Wednesday, November 25, 2009

We Dont All Get To Serve As Caregivers

My dearest friend was unable to serve as caregiver for her beloved Mom.

Her Mom was vibrant, energetic, serene, and full of plans for her future. At 75, just after returning from a birthday cruise with her husband, her body shut down and she fell brain dead. It was such an abrupt ending to a full and wonderful life.

She left a daughter who insists her Mom was her whole world! They were best friends, spoke every day, never quarreled, and visited every weekend.

My friend’s relationship with her Mom was cut short.

She was never given the opportunity to care for her declining Mom.

Fortunately, there was no unfinished business between them—no ill will, no regrets.

She was closer to her Mom than anyone I have ever seen.

I mourn for her loss.

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