Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Online Caregiver Support Groups Really Do Help!

Here is a helpful post on caregiver.com:

Name: Sandy White
Location: Wellington, Florida
Date: 11/15/2008
Time: 04:33 PM

I'm so glad I joined several support groups and feel sorry for those who stay away. Our support groups aren't "pity parties" but sources of good information to what are our options in recovery, what does it cost, how did it work, where are they located, who is the best. This is especially important if you are on an HMO. HMOs are notoriously poor on treating long term disability. They require their doctors to sign a gag order that the doctor won't tell you about any option that your HMO doesn't cover. And because an HMO is constantly making new contracts with providers, sometimes the best are still on their approved list but not mentioned because the HMO negotiated a lower price with a newer provider. If you find out about a more effective therapy, call that provider's office direct and ask if they accept your HMO or insurance. HMO Advantage ads tell you what they offer that Medicare doesn't, but they don't tell you what they don't that Medicare will cover. And because they are the gate keepers you can't get all your possible Medicare coverage. Don't believe them when they tell you you have reached your "life time limit of physical therapy under Medicare." Medicare only has yearly limits and the next year you can get more therapy if you can still make progress with it. Support groups can wise you up to nuances like that. And they can tell you about many government sponsored services that are not advertised. In the scheme of things, programs getting government funding can't use those funds for advertising because it takes money away from direct services. If you see a god government program, jump on it immediately because the value of that program is judged by the number of people who found it and used it. Without advertising, many only last one or two years, so may be gone if you delay, regardless of their quality.

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