Thursday, September 6, 2007

Helpful Service: Grocery Ordering From Afar

An old college buddy, Mary Lou, sent me the following helpful tip:

I looked into something for my parents during their most recent 'crisis' and thought maybe you would be interested for your Web page about caring for aging parents.

My folks are homebound when my dad can't drive and this worries them to no end. My mother gets especially obsessed about grocery shopping. Well, in their area (Long Island) I found out that the grocery chain Walbaums will deliver online orders for a small fee. This means that even though my folks don't have a computer, I can order and pay for their groceries from here, even request an approximate delivery time and day, without anyone leaving home. Of course they have yet to use the service, but just knowing that any one of their children could take care of their grocery order remotely seemed to be a big relief to them. You can review the site at

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