Thursday, June 18, 2009

Dad is a Different Patient Now

A New Routine With New Caregiver Instructions

We finally brought Dad home from the hospice unit after two stays of 3-nights and 5-nights.

After remaining relatively comatose in the hospital, eating soft foods in a semi-sleep state, he came home with a whole new burst of energy.

He recognized me and the caregivers, was animated, he fought with the EMTs, and even asked for his favorite fried chicken that he ate by himself. I was thrilled to have parts of him back. He was feisty and alert.

The nurse came by to give new instructions now that his condition has dramatically changed.

He will remain in the hospital bed with bars up.
His toilet will now be his diapers
He must be turned every two hours
There is morphine to ease pain (ONLY AS NEEDED). The caregivers are not fond of drugs and neither am I.

Prior to his arrival, Barbara and I converted his room to more of a hospital room. We moved the other bed (box spring, frame and all to the basement). We removed a lot of items he will no longer need. We cleared the pathway for caregivers to better handle him from BOTH sides of the hospital bed.

It is all a big change. He is heavy to maneuver for turning, changing diapers, cleaning him, and changing linens.

Time will tell if the ladies can handle him. I will monitor closely.

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