Monday, April 7, 2008

Elder Driving Cessation-Free Online Guide

Easing the Transition from Driver to Passenger is a guide, published on line by The Hartford, to helping individuals with Alzheimer’s reduce the need to drive. See:

Here are suggestions from The Hartford on balancing independence with safety:

For Drivers with Dementia:

The following tips can help people with dementia ease the transition from driver to passenger:

-Confide in a friend or family member about what driving means to you. Help them understand what you have to give up when you stop driving.
-Work with your family to create a transportation plan that meets your needs.
-Consider the Agreement with My Family about Driving (available on The Hartford website as a way to balance your independence with safety.
-Volunteer to be a passenger. Allow others to do the driving.

For Caregivers:

The following tips can help caregivers who are struggling to decide when to limit or stop driving privileges for a person with dementia:

-Imagine for a moment your own life without driving. Allow your relative with dementia to express how he or she feels about not driving.
-Initiate conversations about driving and transportation needs early and often.
-Observe the person with mild dementia when driving.
-Keep a written record of observable driving behavior over time.
-Share observations of unsafe driving with the person with dementia, other family members and healthcare providers.
-Create opportunities for you or others to drive the person with dementia.
-Ask professionals outside the family to raise questions about driving safety.
-Get information about driving evaluation services in your state or region.

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